Installation: Women Writing History

Friday 9 February 2018
Trinity Hall, Garret Hostel Bridge, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TJ
‘Women writing History’ is a lighting piece that sets an invitation to participate in an imaginative exercise about women’s role on writing the past.

6-11pm nightly

As darkness falls, come along and see ‘Women Writing History’ by BDP. You can also get involved with this installation, make sure you tweet to @restore2history with the appropriate hashtag #male #female #nonbinary to see the light effect change...
This installation is created by BDP to mark the 40th anniversary since the admission of female students and Fellows to Trinity Hall, and it is a collaboration with Royston based Tryka L.E.D., Pharos lighting control solutions and Design Intent International. 
Each evening during the festival a series of LED lights will shine onto the river Cam from the college terrace, using lighting as a tool to engage people in an imaginative exercise about the remembrance of women’s role in writing history during the week marking the centenary of women’s suffrage. The animation is a series of waves and the light effect can be changed by tweeting to @restore2history with the appropriate hashtag #male #female #nonbinary or by using the links below.
To donate £5 to the Festival text Light to 70500.
With thanks to
This installation is created by BDP to mark the 40th anniversary since the admission of female students and Fellows to Trinity Hall, and it is a collaboration with Royston based Tryka L.E.D., Pharos lighting control solutions and Design Intent International.